API Key Not Working & CORS Issue in React Integration

Hi Team,

I’m integrating the Mappls API into my React + Vite project, but I’m facing two issues:

:one: CORS Error: API requests (geocoding, routing, traffic) fail due to CORS policy. How can I fix this?
:two: API Key Issue: Even with the correct API key, some requests fail with authentication errors. Is there any activation step or configuration I’m missing?

I need to resolve this urgently. Any help would be appreciated!


Hi, @venkatsaimathi2007_1 ,

:one: CORS Error: API requests (geocoding, routing, traffic) fail due to CORS policy. How can I fix this?
Reply : You must use the JSONP format to make API calls when calling an API with React or any other framework.
:two: API Key Issue: Even with the correct API key, some requests fail with authentication errors. Is there any activation step or configuration I’m missing?
Reply : Yes, for some API’s you need to get access for them. you can get the same from apisupport@mapmyindia.com.