Access token is same for rest api key and map sdk key

I registered on and obtained the Client ID and Client Key. I generated an access token using these credentials. Could you please clarify if the access token is equivalent to the REST_API_KEY or MAP_KEY?

curl -X POST “” ^
-H “accept: application/json” ^
-H “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” ^
-d “grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=96dHZVzsAuvMPK7sJN3Bvn_UfirlChQLW-W3zJ_nAUEmpvZOCmA7A86GmduZwxQVYOvcxWGeOjG3JWwHgNbIYw%3D%3D&client_secret=lrFxI-iSEg_wstNJMSaz9DYdczxsy1We_FP4STeKDctTE0hQknngRBpnmH4321lcHX6YuUzr87wWeEFUrEmrs7UaZAGUbvS_”

Yes, Access token can be used to access API’s that are allocated to your project when you registered on Mappls.